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Semalt: Google Analytics And Landing Page Integration

Every internet marketer has to know all benefits of integrating Google Analytics with a website. The program allows for the tracking of various aspects of website performance. One of these aspects is landing page performance. Landing pages are indispensable in marketing. They make the first impression and affect many other online business success factors including social media presence and conversion rates. Therefore, tracking and measuring landing page performance is highly needed when making decisions on improving the business return on investment.

Google Analytics integration gives you a full picture of a customer. It allows you to track every social interaction, analyze visitor traffic, and track outbound links. It also provides you with useful insights to convert these metrics into real results for business improvement.

Artem Abgarian, the Semalt expert, tells that two methods can be used to integrate landing pages with Google Analytics. One method uses Script Manager, and the other involves manually adding landing page domains to Google Analytics.

Integration Using Script Manager

The first step of this procedure involves getting the website tracking ID. Upon signing up for GA, a user is given a script with a unique tracking code. The user is supposed to integrate that code into his/her site. The code is needed again when there is a change in the site's theme or the user wants to add Analytics to a part of the website.

To find your website tracking ID and snippet containing the code, sign into your GA account and click Admin. In the ACCOUNT column, select an account. Similarly, go to the PROPERTY account and select a property. Under property, select Tracking Info and then Tracking Code. You will see your website tracking ID, as well as property number at the top of the page and the tracking code snippet, is displayed under Website tracking.

Next, go to Settings and click Script Manager>Add your first script>Google Analytics. Enter the tracking ID you obtained in the first step and click "Add Script Details." Two text boxes will open: one shows "Script Details" and the other shows "Script Usage." In the "Script Usage" box click the subdomains that you want the Google Tracking Script to be applied. Finally, save and publish the script and the selected subdomain together with its pages are integrated with Google Analytics.

Adding Landing Pages Manually

You can also do a manual integration with GA. After signing in to your GA account as Admin and selecting the Account and Property that you are working with, click Tracking Info and copy the website tracking code. Paste this code into the JavaScript library of the landing page. In case a Form Configuration Dialog is in use, paste the code into your configuration dialog too. 'Head' should be selected for placement in either case. Lastly, save and publish the page.

Immediately after the integration process, real-time reports will show active visitors on the integrated pages. Full visitor data will be visible in the other reports after about 24 hours.

Regardless of the type of website you own, there's always a benefit of knowing how people are visiting the site and what exactly they are searching for. With Google Analytics integration, getting this information is easy. The tips provided above will make the process even quicker so that you can start leveraging every metric for more business success.